Alpaca veterinary care

You need to know your alpacas

Alpaca does not require much medical care. The main element here is the breeder who should know their animals and react if they see any negative symptoms in their alpacas. Alpacas are herd and skittish animals, therefore alpacas do not show signs and symptoms of disease. So any problem will be picked up sooner by a breeder who knows his alpacas and can distinguish between the symptoms of the disease and normal behavior. A vet who comes in from time to time may miss some signs.

Alpacas study

At Heaven Alpacas, we regularly examine alpacas' faeces, at least twice a year, to check that our alpacas have no parasite problems. It used to be practice in Poland to deworm all alpacas twice a year. In our opinion, it is neither necessary nor healthy. As you know, parasites can also become resistant to various chemicals and mutate. We vaccinate our alpacas once a year for anaerobes and give them vitamin D3.

Przeczytaj również:
Koszt utrzymania alpaki
Jak ocenić wartość alpaki
Ile można zarobić na hodowli alpak
Jak duży powinien być wybieg dla alpak
Jak często karmić alpaki i czym
Opieka medyczna alpaki
Rozmnażanie alpak
Wypożyczanie i sprzedaż samców reproduktorów
Ciekawostki o alpakach
Świerzb u alpak
Nasza alpakarnia
Rodzaje hodowli alpak
Kokcydia u alpak
Wielbłądowate vs kleszcze
Na co zwrócić uwage kupując pierwszą alpakę?
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Heaven Alpacas © 2022
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