How often should we feed alpacas?

What to feed alpacas

Our alpacas, as the main source of food, eat a vitamin feed (Alpamin) and a protein feed (Alprofos). We used to give our pets different foods, but we are growing every day, so we are perfecting our pets' nutritional plans by giving them the best food available on the market. We also give our alpacas chaff (Alpagrass) which is a mixture of various plants and herbs as a source of protein, beet pulp as a source of carbohydrates and good quality hay.


In Heaven Alpacas, animals have unlimited access to the pasture. Our pastures are divided into quarters. We regularly change the quarters of our alpacas so that they can always enjoy the freshly grown grass. We make such a change approximately every 4 weeks.

Przeczytaj również:
Koszt utrzymania alpaki
Jak ocenić wartość alpaki
Ile można zarobić na hodowli alpak
Jak duży powinien być wybieg dla alpak
Jak często karmić alpaki i czym
Opieka medyczna alpaki
Rozmnażanie alpak
Wypożyczanie i sprzedaż samców reproduktorów
Ciekawostki o alpakach
Świerzb u alpak
Nasza alpakarnia
Rodzaje hodowli alpak
Kokcydia u alpak
Wielbłądowate vs kleszcze
Na co zwrócić uwage kupując pierwszą alpakę?
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