How to estimate the value of alpaca?

How to estimate the value of alpaca?

How much does an alpaca cost is a very frequently asked question. It's hard to give a specific answer here, because the price of alpaca depends on the body structure, origin, quality of the fleece and possible exhibition achievements.

Elements affecting the price of alpaca

The origin, the number of awards won by the alpaca and its ancestors, the quality of the fleece, which is assessed on the basis of the histogram. Everything is passed on in genes. The alpaca should be inscribed in a square and have a short head in a triangle.


The quality of the fleece is still underestimated in Poland, because in fact a fleece of very good quality or poor quality is sold at the same price. The difference between the highest quality and the lowest quality alpaca fleece is very noticeable even for a person with little experience. The best one is even 14 microns thick, while the weak one is 25-30 microns. The microns themselves are not the most important thing, the crimping also counts, which greatly affects the strength of the yarn, tensile strength or tearing.


There are a very large number of elements that determine the value of an alpaca. It cannot be clearly stated because there will always be an element that distinguishes one alpaca from another.

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