Our alpaca house


As the name of our breading suggests, we want our alpacas to feel like in heaven. We were building our alpaca house with the same thought. Alpacas are supposed to feel safe and comfortable in it, and it is supposed to be functional.

So from the beginning. The exterior of the building is made of a combination of black steel and wood. The walls are made of PIR board, which provides very strong thermal insulation.

From the inside, the walls are made of boards. These boards have been specially tanned, brushed and oiled. Thanks to this, apart from an interesting visual effect, they are also protected against moisture and pests.

We have installed 5 entrances to the alpaca house to make it easier for our animals to go out to the appropriate pastures. All doors are electrically operated, so you can let the animals out quickly and efficiently.

The floor of our alpaca house is concrete. We highly recommend this solution because it blunts the claws of our alpacas!

Modular boxes

We have divided the alpaca house into 4 zones so that you can easily manage and separate animals. We managed to do this thanks to the sliding partitions. The compartments slide on wheels, so no force is required.

Automatic drinkers

There are automatic drinkers on each wall. The system automatically refills the drinkers with specially filtered live water.

Litter box

We have installed a litter box in the largest box so that the alpacas have a secluded place and to keep whole place clean :)

Hay nets

Each box has several hay nets installed. We highly recommend this solution, because it prevents a big mess and reduces the spread of hay. We also reduce hay losses compared to feeders.


We placed it in the central point of our alpaca house. As a result, daily weighing is quick and efficient.We are already working on introducing a new solution, namely we want each of our alpacas to wear a specially designed motion sensor, thanks to which we will collect the alpaca weight automatically.

Living water technology

**In addition to high-quality food, we provide our furries with high-quality water.

So-called living water. We have installed special filters in our alpine house.

Living Water Technology is based entirely on the model water

The reference water is 100% ortho-clusters and 0% para-clusters, the proportions between ortho and para-calories determine whether the water is dead or alive. Living water is assumed to start with a proportion of 50% to 50% ortho to para-clusters.

For comparison, the water flowing in the tap has about 5% ortho to 95% of para-clusters, which definitely classifies it as dead water. The system installed in our alpine house changes the ortho to steam ratio of tap water to 60% ortho and 40% para-clusters, which we can definitely say that the water is alive.

Seven unique pieces of information about the model water!

- It is the only water on our planet that is indestructible.

-It is water that has the ability to repair fresh and salt water.

-It's water that prevents DNA replication errors.

-It is water that reacts to each person individually.

-It is water with unusually strong energy of life.

-It's life-saving water.

-It is water that brings life back to dead water.

You can read more about it on the website: https://harmonyh2o.com/technologia-zyjej-wody/

Feed silos

We have installed 3 silos inside the alpaca house to always have a large supply of fresh food. We keep pulp, alpamines and alprofos in them. Our employees prepare the appropriate mixtures on site.

Ventilation system

We have installed a ventilation system on the ceiling that can both heat and cool the alpaca house.


We have 13 cameras in our alpine house, thanks to which we have constant supervision over our pets.

Przeczytaj również:
Koszt utrzymania alpaki
Jak ocenić wartość alpaki
Ile można zarobić na hodowli alpak
Jak duży powinien być wybieg dla alpak
Jak często karmić alpaki i czym
Opieka medyczna alpaki
Rozmnażanie alpak
Wypożyczanie i sprzedaż samców reproduktorów
Ciekawostki o alpakach
Świerzb u alpak
Nasza alpakarnia
Rodzaje hodowli alpak
Kokcydia u alpak
Wielbłądowate vs kleszcze
Na co zwrócić uwage kupując pierwszą alpakę?
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Heaven Alpacas © 2022
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